the robust massage is excellent for limbering up limbs for athletic performance and relieving deep muscle tension afterwards Useful for both martial artists and stressed-out civilians.
It may seem obvious but having a physically relaxing experience is good for the mind. A 2004 study found significant improvement in the mental well-being of patients suffering from musculoskeletal pain when treated with massage compared to treatment with relaxation tapes.
Most likely a contributing factor to the post-massage sense of well-being is the boost to serotonin and reduction in cortisol found in people who have received massages. Cortisol being a stress hormone, serotonin being the happy hormone. A clear positive result.
Although not medically researched, This is said to aid in the reduction of migraines through the use of acupressure. While the invisible energy lines that are supposed to move through our bodies are hotly contested by medical research, there is significant anecdotal and experimental evidence to support the claim.
I found this study illuminating. Autistic children generally experience much higher levels of anxiety and stress. Traditional Thai massage has been shown to provide some degree of improvement to stereotypical behaviours in autistic children.
Patients suffering from scapula costal syndrome (SCS) showed a reduction in the pain suffered and overall patient satisfaction when compared to ultrasound therapies.